James Clark

🌱 🌿 🌳 & my digital garden 🤯 📖 ✍️

A collection of thoughts and articles at different development stages

RTX ON - it's execution time

Jul 21, 2023
Evergreen 🌳

ChatOps - just say the word

May 18, 2023
Seeding 🌱

Ways of Working 'checklist'

May 5, 2023
Seeding 🌱

Rota Driven Development ⁉

Apr 28, 2023
Evergreen 🌳

Symlinks, syncs, and app configuration

Jan 18, 2023
Evergreen 🌳

How to always know when there are PRs to check out 🔮

Aug 5, 2022
Seeding 🌱